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Scandinavia Today / Sweden
Business News Videos
Due to lack of regular checks, from the Swedish Dairy Board, dairies products such as milk have been found to contain mold that can be carcinogenic, and an alarm has been blown today for consumer to be cautious.
Sweden's second biggest city and the lead industrial hub is seeing an escalation of gun shooting which look a lot like actions in a western movie.
A new proposal in the Swedish policy systems is that to make children born in Sweden of foreign parents to automatically become Swedish citizens.
Two Swedish customer workers have been growing cannabis plants while at their place of work and the aim, of the operation was to carry out research.
The Nordic countries have become an increasingly attractive market for forced prostitution in recent years blamed on the euro crisis in southern Europe. The number of trafficking victims in Sweden has risen sharply, according to new European statistics.
Stockholm has in the past, had what could be described as a docile population growth. However, in the past few years the city has grown enormously and fast in terms of the number of people living here and projection for the future shows that along with Oslo, and London, Stockholm is poised to see its urban structures increased as population growth expected to explode.
Russian bomber and fighter jets trained at Gotska Sandön 3-4 km outside Swedish territorial waters for a long time on Friday night. Sweden is supposed to be prepared with at least two of its own Gripens fighter jets to counter and identify foreign flying objects like these, but none was ready. Instead, NATO planes turn out to be our saviour. This events has so far been kept secret for all this while.
A Swedish municipality of Ljungby has been taken over by the Swedish Nazis and they have made their intension clear by planting the Nazi Swastika in the central of the city.
The Swedish economy slowed somewhat in the City of Stockholm but strengthened slightly in the county during the fourth quarter of last year, showing that Stockholm stand out as a powerful force in business in Sweden.
The resignation of Omar Mustafa from the executive board of the Swedish Social Democrats party last weekend when it emerged that he headed an Islamic organisation that did not reflect the Social Democrat's inclusiveness principles has now sparked protest among various ranks of the party.
Swedish security police force, SAPO is worried that some 30 Islamist inspired people from Sweden have travelled from Sweden to fight or trained for battle in Syria.
Generally Sweden is a great place to live which everything looking from good to excellent when compared to other countries. But within Sweden there are some municipalities that are tough places to live in.
A graph accident on Swedish television morning round table news became world news when North Korea dictator, Kim Jong Un got an invite to the Swedish news round table.
Something that left anarchist, green peace and all the anti nuclear activists cursing, last Monday afternoon, March 25, a ship carrying nuclear material and 68 kg of enriched uranium ripe to making for two nuclear bombs sneaked passed through the Swedish port of Helsingborg without any one knowing.
Sweden received more that expected amount of asylum seekers in the first quarter of this year with Syrians making the largest amount. However, it still falls below forecast but the immigration system is not worried about any influx.
The horsemeat scandal has ignited a lost of trust in food producers and has made Swedish municipalities to become more creative. After the horse meat scandal in food eaten in various Swedish schools, hospitals and old people's homes, some Swedish municipalities have become very creative to rear their own animals so as to sure of the source of food.
In a new taxi scam, in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden only, more than 30 taxi customers lost their credit cards recently. Some Skr20,000 has been accounted to have disappeared. We don't know the data from other cities of the country.
The lasagna, which was removed from the counters of Swedish grocery retailer Axfood's shops because they contained horse meat is being donated to the needy, the company said in a press release.
The Swedish household looks to have saved the Swedish economic growth this year.
The reason for this is that the Swedish household purchasing power is strong, and it contribution to the Swedish economy is looking good when compared with many other countries.
Swedish police is worried that the increased settling of Swedish criminal gangs in Thailand would mean that there would be increase ease to smuggle drugs to Sweden.
School shootings as shown on television from places such as the USA neighbouring Finland and the likes are not common in Sweden but fears are rife that such incidences could be on the here was given the growing strength of the far rights. As such, to minimise casualties, primary school pupils are being drilled on how to protected themselves in case a crazy gun man comes to school.
Cheap heroin readily available in Stockholm
Friday, 08 March 2013
For the first time, heroin has taken over Stockholm where it is cheap and readily available. According to police, this has recruited a new generation of heroin addicts and its is destroying people's lives.
The church of Swedish (Svenska kyrkan) continues to lose members as Swedish people increasingly question the necessity of the church. Metropolitan municipalities have seen thousands of church becoming empty and in little Bjurholm in northern Angermanland only one church faithful was left last year.
As the Swedish government's flagship free school system seen by many as making it possible for children from disadvantaged background to get a shot at private education, it has turned out that such is not the case. Discrimination is actually rife with the systems than would have been imagined.
More Swedish youths behaving better than before - New Survey show
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
One in four 15-year-old Swedish youths has been polled to show an improved behaviour today than similar periods in the past
There has increased reports of identity fraud in Sweden with over 20 000 reported around the capital, Stockholm.
Swedish police has broken a league boat engine thieves that has baffled boat owners in the past months.
So far, the feeling in Sweden is not to get the country out of the EU, as such its people will still have the freedom to travel and settle in various parts they desire in the Union. However, according to the latest Swedish population assessment, some additional 52,000 Swedish people left Sweden last year, a new record when it comes to the amount of people "fleeing" the country.
At year-end, Sweden's population stood at 9,5million people meaning that Sweden's population increased by more than 70 000 people in 2012.
There is the explosion of robberies in Sweden and as compared to other crimes, the police is reported to be able to handle the relatively large number of robberies, according to a new report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet - Brå).
They have everything children from deprived societies lack but they are not happy, as such, they kill themselves. This relates to Swedish youths who continue to take away their own lives despite the views that suicide among young people was falling.
Lasagna that might have contained horsemeat is reported to have been sold to companies that produce schools meals through Sweden. It also has been reported to been in food sold to various launch restaurants in the country
Swedish Rural affairs minister, Eskil Erlandsson is not a happy man especially as the scandal about horsemeat in frozen food has been found in the Findus brand, a brand that is closely associated to Sweden.
As Swedish farmers work extremely hard and calculate how to balance things like climate change, prolonged winter, and price vulnerability, criminals on their part are calculating what to do with them.
Unlike expectation that flood of Somalis will come to Sweden to join their relatives already living here when recent law relaxed such possibility, it turned out that a few of them actually are coming to Sweden.
With jobs and careers hard to come by these days in Sweden, people who took student loans, mostly immigrants, are having it hard to start making repayments. This hit mostly those who went for adult education to study Swedish language courses - many are now ending up with the bailiffs according to a report from the State investigators on adult education.
There is the growing question and debate about the value of immigration in Sweden today than many months ago it has turned out those Swedish municipalities with few foreign immigrants struggling with the biggest social problems that would have been expected.
Swedish people and voters are beginning to change their feelings about growing immigration to the country and it is becoming a strong issue that could play in the next general elections.
The Swedish migration board has come under intense scrutiny as it emerge that resident permits have been sold to the highest bidders in what has been described as a serious bribery scandal in that department.
The Swedish government was trying to balance up the job market and encourage the expansion of area where there are skill shortages with work permit program from outside the EU. It turns out that instead, work permits have been given to immigrant worker in skill sets that already have pressure in the country. As such, combined with issues such as bribery and corruption, it looks like the government's skill immigration policy has failed.
Congestion tax in Gothenburg has had a greater impact than expected. The number of passengers on pubic transport such as buses has increased by 30 percent since January, according to latest data.
Sweden is looking for a way to design a special separate tax for people who view television programs via their PC and related tools.
The Swedish board for agriculture is proposing seeking the government to imposing taxes on beef in order to reduce the amount of beef consumed in Sweden. But the Swedish finance minister, Anders Borg believe that taxing beef is a lame idea.
Swedish student loan in unpaid debts is now closer to Skr1 billion although the amount of those owning fell by 4,000 than a year ago.
The train, which crashed in a house in Sweden on Tuesday, which we reported, has now been analysed and it turn out that it might have been cause not by the woman but accidentally.
Child poverty in Sweden is said to be driven by over zealous children's rights organizations and thus present exaggerated figure of poverty when it is likely that child poverty in Sweden is not as severe as they depict.
After the massive traffic accident that occurred on the Tranarpsbron (Bridge) between Åstorp and Eastern Ljungby yesterday, closer to the Öresund Bridge towards Denmark, where one person was killed and 46 injured, it also affected the structure of he bridge and road surface. It reported that it would take some time before the road area is open.
About a hundred vehicles, trucks and cars have mixed-up in an accident in Sweden today described as one of the greatest mass collusion of our times. The accident occurred in Eastern Ljungby Bridge on the motorway motorway linking the southern Sweden and towards Stockholm and here a huge accident that created a queues of up to two kilometres long took place.
A train in Sweden crashed into a build over night and it turned out that a cleaner stole the train before it derailed and crashed into a residential building outside Stockholm on Tuesday.
The Stockholm police reports that one of the jewellery-armed robbers who attempted to steal jewelleries in Södertälje, in Stockholm has died. The police shot him in the head when they attempted to steal from a dealer last Friday.
Two British nationals are suspected of having smuggled garlic for at least €10 million, nearly Skr90 million, a surprisingly news product to emerge as a smuggling favourite.
The Swedish police has made its largest ever seizure of amphetamines in recent years with a large haul in a truck in Helsingborg, southern Sweden.
Business News Videos
Poisonous carcinogenic mold found in milk from Arla dairy in Linköping, Sweden
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Due to lack of regular checks, from the Swedish Dairy Board, dairies products such as milk have been found to contain mold that can be carcinogenic, and an alarm has been blown today for consumer to be cautious.
Sweden second biggest city, Gotheburg gripped with growing incidents of shootings
Monday, 29 April 2013Sweden's second biggest city and the lead industrial hub is seeing an escalation of gun shooting which look a lot like actions in a western movie.
New proposal to make children born in Sweden by foreign parents to become Swedish citizens
Monday, 29 April 2013A new proposal in the Swedish policy systems is that to make children born in Sweden of foreign parents to automatically become Swedish citizens.
In the name of research - Swedish Customs workers grow marijuana plants on the job
Sunday, 28 April 2013Two Swedish customer workers have been growing cannabis plants while at their place of work and the aim, of the operation was to carry out research.
The Europe crisis pushing more into forced prostitution in Sweden
Friday, 26 April 2013The Nordic countries have become an increasingly attractive market for forced prostitution in recent years blamed on the euro crisis in southern Europe. The number of trafficking victims in Sweden has risen sharply, according to new European statistics.
Swedish capital city Stockholm is among the fastest growing cities in Europe
Tuesday, 23 April 2013Stockholm has in the past, had what could be described as a docile population growth. However, in the past few years the city has grown enormously and fast in terms of the number of people living here and projection for the future shows that along with Oslo, and London, Stockholm is poised to see its urban structures increased as population growth expected to explode.
Provocation of just mistaken stray as Russian fighter plane practicing attack against Sweden
Monday, 22 April 2013Russian bomber and fighter jets trained at Gotska Sandön 3-4 km outside Swedish territorial waters for a long time on Friday night. Sweden is supposed to be prepared with at least two of its own Gripens fighter jets to counter and identify foreign flying objects like these, but none was ready. Instead, NATO planes turn out to be our saviour. This events has so far been kept secret for all this while.
Swedish municipality of Ljungby taken over my Nazis and plant their flag in the heart of the city
Sunday, 21 April 2013A Swedish municipality of Ljungby has been taken over by the Swedish Nazis and they have made their intension clear by planting the Nazi Swastika in the central of the city.
Stockholm remain stronger economically tan the rest of the country despite the economy
Thursday, 18 April 2013The Swedish economy slowed somewhat in the City of Stockholm but strengthened slightly in the county during the fourth quarter of last year, showing that Stockholm stand out as a powerful force in business in Sweden.
Heavy criticism of the Social democrats after the dismissal of Muslim Omar Mustafa
Tuesday, 16 April 2013The resignation of Omar Mustafa from the executive board of the Swedish Social Democrats party last weekend when it emerged that he headed an Islamic organisation that did not reflect the Social Democrat's inclusiveness principles has now sparked protest among various ranks of the party.
The discovery of fighters in Syrian from Sweden becomes a headache for the Swedish security force, SAPO
Monday, 15 April 2013Swedish security police force, SAPO is worried that some 30 Islamist inspired people from Sweden have travelled from Sweden to fight or trained for battle in Syria.
Which are the most deplorable places in Sweden to live in? Sweden's
Wednesday, 10 April 2013Generally Sweden is a great place to live which everything looking from good to excellent when compared to other countries. But within Sweden there are some municipalities that are tough places to live in.
How a graphic mistake put the Swedish television news program on global prime time news
Monday, 08 April 2013A graph accident on Swedish television morning round table news became world news when North Korea dictator, Kim Jong Un got an invite to the Swedish news round table.
How a ship carrying Uranium for A-bomb passed through Sweden without any one knowing.
Sunday, 07 April 2013Something that left anarchist, green peace and all the anti nuclear activists cursing, last Monday afternoon, March 25, a ship carrying nuclear material and 68 kg of enriched uranium ripe to making for two nuclear bombs sneaked passed through the Swedish port of Helsingborg without any one knowing.
Sweden received more asylum seekers in the first quarter of 2013 though far below forecast.
Sunday, 07 April 2013Sweden received more that expected amount of asylum seekers in the first quarter of this year with Syrians making the largest amount. However, it still falls below forecast but the immigration system is not worried about any influx.
How the horsemeat scandal is making Swedish municipalities to get creative
Monday, 25 March 2013The horsemeat scandal has ignited a lost of trust in food producers and has made Swedish municipalities to become more creative. After the horse meat scandal in food eaten in various Swedish schools, hospitals and old people's homes, some Swedish municipalities have become very creative to rear their own animals so as to sure of the source of food.
Taxi fraud in Stockholm drains customers' accounts - what you need to know
Monday, 25 March 2013In a new taxi scam, in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden only, more than 30 taxi customers lost their credit cards recently. Some Skr20,000 has been accounted to have disappeared. We don't know the data from other cities of the country.
Horsemeat Lasagna donated to the poor people - even in Sweden
Tuesday, 19 March 2013The lasagna, which was removed from the counters of Swedish grocery retailer Axfood's shops because they contained horse meat is being donated to the needy, the company said in a press release.
Swedish households could be en-route to saved the Swedish economy
Tuesday, 19 March 2013The Swedish household looks to have saved the Swedish economic growth this year.
The reason for this is that the Swedish household purchasing power is strong, and it contribution to the Swedish economy is looking good when compared with many other countries.
More Swedish harden criminals establish in Thailand, source of drugs to ease smuggling to Sweden
Sunday, 17 March 2013Swedish police is worried that the increased settling of Swedish criminal gangs in Thailand would mean that there would be increase ease to smuggle drugs to Sweden.
Swedish public school students are prepared to protect themselves in case of a school shootings
Saturday, 16 March 2013School shootings as shown on television from places such as the USA neighbouring Finland and the likes are not common in Sweden but fears are rife that such incidences could be on the here was given the growing strength of the far rights. As such, to minimise casualties, primary school pupils are being drilled on how to protected themselves in case a crazy gun man comes to school.
Cheap heroin readily available in Stockholm
Friday, 08 March 2013
For the first time, heroin has taken over Stockholm where it is cheap and readily available. According to police, this has recruited a new generation of heroin addicts and its is destroying people's lives.
More Swedish people continue to shy away from Church as Church of Sweden looses throng of worshippers
Tuesday, 05 March 2013The church of Swedish (Svenska kyrkan) continues to lose members as Swedish people increasingly question the necessity of the church. Metropolitan municipalities have seen thousands of church becoming empty and in little Bjurholm in northern Angermanland only one church faithful was left last year.
How the idea of free school in Sweden increase segregation in the society
Wednesday, 27 February 2013As the Swedish government's flagship free school system seen by many as making it possible for children from disadvantaged background to get a shot at private education, it has turned out that such is not the case. Discrimination is actually rife with the systems than would have been imagined.
More Swedish youths behaving better than before - New Survey show
Tuesday, 26 February 2013One in four 15-year-old Swedish youths has been polled to show an improved behaviour today than similar periods in the past
Explosion of identity fraud in Stockholm, Sweden - 20,000 reported in 2012
Tuesday, 26 February 2013There has increased reports of identity fraud in Sweden with over 20 000 reported around the capital, Stockholm.
A league of boat theft in Sweden broken by the police
Sunday, 24 February 2013Swedish police has broken a league boat engine thieves that has baffled boat owners in the past months.
Where have the Swedish emigrating population move to and why the increased exedos?
Sunday, 24 February 2013So far, the feeling in Sweden is not to get the country out of the EU, as such its people will still have the freedom to travel and settle in various parts they desire in the Union. However, according to the latest Swedish population assessment, some additional 52,000 Swedish people left Sweden last year, a new record when it comes to the amount of people "fleeing" the country.
Sweden's population grew to over 9.5 million
Wednesday, 20 February 2013At year-end, Sweden's population stood at 9,5million people meaning that Sweden's population increased by more than 70 000 people in 2012.
Robberies on the rise in Sweden as some two robberies occur everyday
Monday, 18 February 2013There is the explosion of robberies in Sweden and as compared to other crimes, the police is reported to be able to handle the relatively large number of robberies, according to a new report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet - Brå).
Suicide rate among youths in Sweden hit 150 a year
Monday, 11 February 2013They have everything children from deprived societies lack but they are not happy, as such, they kill themselves. This relates to Swedish youths who continue to take away their own lives despite the views that suicide among young people was falling.
Fears that Swedish school meals might contain horse meat
Monday, 11 February 2013Lasagna that might have contained horsemeat is reported to have been sold to companies that produce schools meals through Sweden. It also has been reported to been in food sold to various launch restaurants in the country
Swedish Minister accuses Findus of criminality after the horsemeat scandal
Monday, 11 February 2013Swedish Rural affairs minister, Eskil Erlandsson is not a happy man especially as the scandal about horsemeat in frozen food has been found in the Findus brand, a brand that is closely associated to Sweden.
Poor hardworking Swedish farmers much vulnerable to criminality
Monday, 11 February 2013As Swedish farmers work extremely hard and calculate how to balance things like climate change, prolonged winter, and price vulnerability, criminals on their part are calculating what to do with them.
Surprisingly low interest of Somali relatives wishing to move to Sweden - Great relief to the Swedish authorities
Wednesday, 06 February 2013Unlike expectation that flood of Somalis will come to Sweden to join their relatives already living here when recent law relaxed such possibility, it turned out that a few of them actually are coming to Sweden.
Adult students who completed elementary education find difficulties paying back their student loans
Sunday, 03 February 2013With jobs and careers hard to come by these days in Sweden, people who took student loans, mostly immigrants, are having it hard to start making repayments. This hit mostly those who went for adult education to study Swedish language courses - many are now ending up with the bailiffs according to a report from the State investigators on adult education.
Relationship between immigration and social problems in Sweden - the more immigrates live in a town the fewer there are social problems - Report
Sunday, 03 February 2013There is the growing question and debate about the value of immigration in Sweden today than many months ago it has turned out those Swedish municipalities with few foreign immigrants struggling with the biggest social problems that would have been expected.
Immigration issues becomes a growing important issue for Swedish voters
Thursday, 31 January 2013Swedish people and voters are beginning to change their feelings about growing immigration to the country and it is becoming a strong issue that could play in the next general elections.
Swedish migration board engulfed with bribery and corruption scandals
Tuesday, 29 January 2013The Swedish migration board has come under intense scrutiny as it emerge that resident permits have been sold to the highest bidders in what has been described as a serious bribery scandal in that department.
How the Swedish job market policy failed - Work permits given to areas where there is already pressure on the job market
Tuesday, 29 January 2013The Swedish government was trying to balance up the job market and encourage the expansion of area where there are skill shortages with work permit program from outside the EU. It turns out that instead, work permits have been given to immigrant worker in skill sets that already have pressure in the country. As such, combined with issues such as bribery and corruption, it looks like the government's skill immigration policy has failed.
Fall in private traffic into Goteborg and increase in Bus travel as congestion charge works
Thursday, 24 January 2013Congestion tax in Gothenburg has had a greater impact than expected. The number of passengers on pubic transport such as buses has increased by 30 percent since January, according to latest data.
TV license in Sweden to be extended to Computers and tablets to be instituted in Sweden soon
Tuesday, 22 January 2013Sweden is looking for a way to design a special separate tax for people who view television programs via their PC and related tools.
Meat tax proposed in Sweden to reduce heavy meat consumption and improve sustainability
Tuesday, 22 January 2013The Swedish board for agriculture is proposing seeking the government to imposing taxes on beef in order to reduce the amount of beef consumed in Sweden. But the Swedish finance minister, Anders Borg believe that taxing beef is a lame idea.
Unpaid student loan in Sweden hit Skr 1billion
Sunday, 20 January 2013Swedish student loan in unpaid debts is now closer to Skr1 billion although the amount of those owning fell by 4,000 than a year ago.
The Swedish train crash might have been an accident and accused woman could have been innocent
Friday, 18 January 2013The train, which crashed in a house in Sweden on Tuesday, which we reported, has now been analysed and it turn out that it might have been cause not by the woman but accidentally.
Child poverty claims in Sweden by charities exaggerated, a media research show
Wednesday, 16 January 2013Child poverty in Sweden is said to be driven by over zealous children's rights organizations and thus present exaggerated figure of poverty when it is likely that child poverty in Sweden is not as severe as they depict.
Extensive damage to E4 after massive crash yesterday
Wednesday, 16 January 2013After the massive traffic accident that occurred on the Tranarpsbron (Bridge) between Åstorp and Eastern Ljungby yesterday, closer to the Öresund Bridge towards Denmark, where one person was killed and 46 injured, it also affected the structure of he bridge and road surface. It reported that it would take some time before the road area is open.
Treacherous weather conditions lead to mass accident pileup in Sweden
Tuesday, 15 January 2013About a hundred vehicles, trucks and cars have mixed-up in an accident in Sweden today described as one of the greatest mass collusion of our times. The accident occurred in Eastern Ljungby Bridge on the motorway motorway linking the southern Sweden and towards Stockholm and here a huge accident that created a queues of up to two kilometres long took place.
A train derailed and crashed into a building in Sweden when a cleaner stole and took it for a ride.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013A train in Sweden crashed into a build over night and it turned out that a cleaner stole the train before it derailed and crashed into a residential building outside Stockholm on Tuesday.
Shot armed jewellery Robber on Sodertalje, in Stockholm dies
Wednesday, 09 January 2013The Stockholm police reports that one of the jewellery-armed robbers who attempted to steal jewelleries in Södertälje, in Stockholm has died. The police shot him in the head when they attempted to steal from a dealer last Friday.
Smuggled garlic for millions - a surprisingly new thing
Wednesday, 09 January 2013Two British nationals are suspected of having smuggled garlic for at least €10 million, nearly Skr90 million, a surprisingly news product to emerge as a smuggling favourite.
Record drug seizure in Skåne, southern Sweden - 150 kg of amphetamines
Tuesday, 08 January 2013The Swedish police has made its largest ever seizure of amphetamines in recent years with a large haul in a truck in Helsingborg, southern Sweden.