Economy / Editorial
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As it emerged on Saturday that the Race for the American presidency has been reduced to being decided based on race of the actors not what their plans for the future of the country hold, we here on Scandinavian companies and market, though worried about the effects of racism, we praise the American people for being exemplary and far different from Europe.
Ask why they chose to work in politics, they will tell you that they came to public office because they wanted to make a different. They will not tell you that they came in to earn more and gain a steady income and more so, continue to earn even if they loose their jobs or are being fired.
Sweden has intervene in various countries of the world to protect people from abuse and has granted political asylum to people running away from prosecution. This means that Sweden should have a trusted legal system and should not be under any pressure from places such as the USA.
Swedish foreign Minister, Carl Bildt has been exposed once again in another strange side of things by another Wikileaks leaks. In one of its recent releases, Bildt is reported to have considered that Sweden should become a superpower, that Putin is a "chetnik" and that Bildt is in intense disagrees with French president, Nicolas Sarkozy.
With the new party leader in the man of Stefan Löfven at the helm, the Social Democrats in Sweden which has been limping and playing the second fiddle behind the Conservatives and the bourgeoisies government seems to be seeing a change in fortune recent opinion polling. The party’s opinion interest rose by 5.6 percentage points to 29.3 percent in February in an Ipsos survey for the Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyehter.
The Manager of the Swedish tax authority, Ingemar Hansson thinks that the current Swedish tax system makes it too difficult to do the right thong. Speaking t the Swedish business daily,
Dagens industri, he believes that there must be some changes in the nearest future.
In 2011, Swedish companies exported military equipment for some Skr13.9 billion. It is basically the same as last year, according to the Swedish organisation, the National Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP).
The Swedish Social Democrats' party’s new leader, Stefan Löfven has lifted his party 4.6 percentage points in less than a month, according to new opinion polls. This show a direct contrast with this predecessor, Håkan Juholt, whose arrival at the head of the party only led to the party to keep on sliding.
Swedish finance minister, Anders Borg lowers Swedish growth forecast.
Sweden’s crisis not only housing but also lost export market share
Rwandan Diplomat expelled from Sweden for spying on its dissidents living in the country
Somalis in Finland, the discriminated human beings in that world
Business News Videos
Obama's re-election could be hampered by the issue of racial prejudice. But at least they give a black man the chance. Could one find something similar in Europe? Never.
Sunday, 28 October 2012As it emerged on Saturday that the Race for the American presidency has been reduced to being decided based on race of the actors not what their plans for the future of the country hold, we here on Scandinavian companies and market, though worried about the effects of racism, we praise the American people for being exemplary and far different from Europe.
Impressive financial gains from politics - how government officials earned impressively from the tax payers
Monday, 17 September 2012Ask why they chose to work in politics, they will tell you that they came to public office because they wanted to make a different. They will not tell you that they came in to earn more and gain a steady income and more so, continue to earn even if they loose their jobs or are being fired.
A shame to the Swedish legal system which exposes Swedish hypocrisy.
Thursday, 16 August 2012Sweden has intervene in various countries of the world to protect people from abuse and has granted political asylum to people running away from prosecution. This means that Sweden should have a trusted legal system and should not be under any pressure from places such as the USA.
Swedish Foreign minister, Bildt believe that Sweden should be the superpower - Wikileaks leaks
Monday, 27 February 2012Swedish foreign Minister, Carl Bildt has been exposed once again in another strange side of things by another Wikileaks leaks. In one of its recent releases, Bildt is reported to have considered that Sweden should become a superpower, that Putin is a "chetnik" and that Bildt is in intense disagrees with French president, Nicolas Sarkozy.
Looks like the Social democrats finally identify a tool to hit the Swedish coalition parties with as their poll standing improve markedly
Friday, 24 February 2012With the new party leader in the man of Stefan Löfven at the helm, the Social Democrats in Sweden which has been limping and playing the second fiddle behind the Conservatives and the bourgeoisies government seems to be seeing a change in fortune recent opinion polling. The party’s opinion interest rose by 5.6 percentage points to 29.3 percent in February in an Ipsos survey for the Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyehter.
The Swedish tax system is very difficult
Thursday, 23 February 2012The Manager of the Swedish tax authority, Ingemar Hansson thinks that the current Swedish tax system makes it too difficult to do the right thong. Speaking t the Swedish business daily,
Dagens industri, he believes that there must be some changes in the nearest future.
Sweden’s export of military hardware continues to hold as the past
Wednesday, 22 February 2012In 2011, Swedish companies exported military equipment for some Skr13.9 billion. It is basically the same as last year, according to the Swedish organisation, the National Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP).
New leader new boost for the Social Democrats as the party sees real boost with the arrival of Löfven
Sunday, 19 February 2012The Swedish Social Democrats' party’s new leader, Stefan Löfven has lifted his party 4.6 percentage points in less than a month, according to new opinion polls. This show a direct contrast with this predecessor, Håkan Juholt, whose arrival at the head of the party only led to the party to keep on sliding.
Swedish finance minister, Anders Borg lowers Swedish growth forecast.
Nyamko Sabuni leaves politics after next elections
Swedish central bank, Riksbank cuts interest rate
Swedish Minister of Education, Bjorklund, attacked in Israel
Sweden’s crisis not only housing but also lost export market share
Swedish finance minister, Anders Borg sees reduced pessimism in the Swedish economy
Sweden’s “tiger economy” close to being tamed as growth bounces to zero
EU again worried about Sweden household debt as it carried out a compulsory periodic test of EU economies
Swedish central Banks could reduce key interest rates soon but how would that affect?
Swiss evaluation of Gripen showed flaws that were hidden but unearth only when the Swiss choose Gripen
Rwandan Diplomat expelled from Sweden for spying on its dissidents living in the country