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Scandinavia Today / Sweden


How a graphic mistake put the Swedish television news program on global prime time news

Monday, 08 April 2013
A graph accident on Swedish television morning round table news became world news when North Korea dictator, Kim Jong Un got an invite to the Swedish news round table.

So it seemed, on Gomorron Sweden as global media sources reported on the issue when it looked like a carefully places graphic to make it looked like the North Korea dictator, Kim Jong Un was taking part in a round table discussion about invents in the Korean Peninsular. 

During a discussion on the situation on the Korean peninsula in Gomorron Sweden, a morning round table news discussion on 3 April, a picture in the background shows Kim Jong Un was not fully planned, but presented the impression that he was part of the discussion. That has gone viral in the media world.
Image - Swedish television >>>>>>
The way it looked, as can in seen on this photo extract from the film, beside Swedish television's hostess sits the dedicated listening, Kim Jong Un, with a basket of free cupcakes at his fingertips. The picture of the two program leaders with their seemingly new additions then spread exponentially across the web and social media quickly and jumped on to news that North Korean leader could have changed career path.

It was all an error and Swedish television did not plan the structure of the look which made him appeared to be engaged in thoughtful discussion with the news leaders discussing issues which he caused.
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