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Scandinavia Today




Scandinavian leads the prosperity table - Norway: number 1

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Scandinavian countries have shown the way once more via the   Legatum Institute’s annual prosperity index which shows Norway, Denmark and Sweden declared the most prosperous in the index, published in London on Tuesday.

Giants such as he USA came on the 12th position bolstering the view that the UB economic health continue to struggle as its politicians find it hard to assist its people rather than play politics.

Weighing on the various economic problems, most countries in Europe fell down the ranking and Greece even fell steeply more.

Scandinavia leading this list of prosperity is not new. Every year, rankings on the prosperity, quality of life indexes, competitiveness, and more has always seemed the Scandinavian countries heading the table. British think tank Legatum Institute's annual prosperity index has this year places Norway on top of the list just like last year, with Denmark in second place.

Economic strength, measured by gross domestic product (GDP) is usually the standard measure of how well a country performs but the think tank, Legatum, believes that the economy and GDP is not enough to describe wealth or prosperity and how people get it.

The compilation which includes economic additions such as education, health, security, administration quality, personal freedom, opportunities for entrepreneurs and social capital, was tested on 142 countries.

Countries that are doing well combine social responsibility with personal freedom, according to Legatums. Taking these into consideration, Norway and Denmark retained the pole positions they held last year in the overall prosperity measure, while Sweden leapfrogged Australia and New Zealand into third. Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Ireland rounded out the top ten. The Central African Republic was ranked bottom.

More reports on this could be obtained here

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