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Scandinavia Today / Denmark



Record number of Danish student looking at offshore for job guarantee and good pay

Tuesday, 30 July 2013
A record number of Danish students have been admitted to study programs that can provide jobs in the offshore oil-drilling sector. The driver is the growing importance of the sector in providing better pay and job guarantee.
According to Danish television news, there may be several specialists on the way to the offshore industry in the coming years if one considers that number of those taking training and courses in the sectors from various specialist-training institutions in the country.
More students to woken up to the opportunities the oil and gas industry offer which they have been ignoring in the past years.
"If we look at our Esbjerg Department, we note that the three courses that can lead into the offshore sector get more than 90 students admitted into the program. It's more than double compared to just two years ago," says Henrik Larsen, who is rector of the Business Academy, Southwest to Danish television
The number of enrolled students at the academy in Esbjerg and Sønderborg has increased in recent years. This year there are some who are disappointed than are places according to Henrik Larsen.

"Production Engineer, which is one of the programs in the offshore area, is completely sold out in Esbjerg. There we can point out that we still have some places in the Sønderborg. We are seeing for the first time in many years that we're going to say no to some students in the coming days," he said.

As it stands now, students who dream of a road into the offshore industry do not fear for the future. The industry is in fact developing rapidly and just in Esbjerg offshore companies created 1,200 new jobs during 2012. In 2020 the forecast is  short of several thousand employees in technical professions associated with the sector.

The salary is not something that should deter. According to the industry's own information wages for the various professions in the offshore sector is about 30 percent higher than in other industries. For example, the average salary for offshore employees around the world is about Dkr500,000 per year or $89,000.
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