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Scandinavia Today / Norway

Children write letters to mass murderer, Breivik is disturbing to Norwegian authorities
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Behring Breivik has been receiving letter letters from children and adolescents. This is another aspect of the case and the effects of the events that led to hundred of dead at the island of Utoya in Norway that is beginning to worry officials.

The Management at Ila prison where the mass murderer is house believes that the problem is so serious that it has made contact with social services, said Norwegian radio, NRK.
"It can be anything from children's drawings to the letter from politically engaged young people," says Breiviks lawyer, Tord Jordet.
The prison authorities would not comment on the matter but it is known that management has contacted the Norwegian social services. The prison has full control over Brevik correspondence and has stopped 150 letters from Breivik to supporters around the world.
by Team

Children write letters to mass murderer, Breivik is disturbing to Norwegian authorities
Tuesday, 18 December 2012Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Behring Breivik has been receiving letter letters from children and adolescents. This is another aspect of the case and the effects of the events that led to hundred of dead at the island of Utoya in Norway that is beginning to worry officials.

The Management at Ila prison where the mass murderer is house believes that the problem is so serious that it has made contact with social services, said Norwegian radio, NRK.
"It can be anything from children's drawings to the letter from politically engaged young people," says Breiviks lawyer, Tord Jordet.
The prison authorities would not comment on the matter but it is known that management has contacted the Norwegian social services. The prison has full control over Brevik correspondence and has stopped 150 letters from Breivik to supporters around the world.
by Team
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