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Impressive financial gains from politics - how Swedish government officials earned impressively from the tax payers

Monday, 17 September 2012
Ask why they chose to work in politics, they will tell you that they came to public office because they wanted to make a different. They will not tell you that they came in to earn more and gain a steady income and more so, continue to earn even if they loose their jobs or are being fired.

According to radio Sweden, two former state secretaries who worked for the current Alliance coalition government in Sweden have received full severance payment for nearly two years, while continuing to earned full pay in a new job. This is the real reason why the came to work for the public sector or joined politics.

The former Center Party State Secretary, Leif Zetterberg has for nearly two years pocketed Skr84,200 per month in severance pay from the government. Meanwhile, he recorded pay of around half a million krona per year from a variety of assignments and operates a farm that offers riding and conference activities, according radio Sweden.

The next is the former Christian Democrat Secretary of State, Dan Ericsson, who also received Skr84,200 in severance pay for nearly two years. At the same time, he has worked as a senior adviser at a public relations firm. Ericsson's company last year made a profit of SEK 900,000 and had a share payment of Skr127,000, reports radio Sweden.

Secretary of States, who are political appointees in departments, have the right to maintain their monthly salary for two years after they have stopped working, but any new revenue is to be counted and reduced.

It does not apply if the work takes place within a company and they do not take a salary.
The public importance of this news is that it educates people that in Sweden politicians also ramble with the financial system and fiddle with the taxpayers' money. They also are not fully trust worthy unlike what might have been perceived, that they are different from politicians of other countries. It makes it clear that they join politics not only to better the lot of the people but for their own selfish interests. One law for them and other for us.
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