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Sweden forced to make more spending on EU contribution

Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Swedish Finance Minister, Anders Borg is opposed to increases in Sweden's contribution to the EU. Yet this years contribution will reach Skr32 billion, Skr1 billion more than last year. The most painful issue is that the EU wants even more from Sweden.

The government's forecast for 2012 shows that Sweden's EU contribution will be Skr1 billion higher than previously stated. The Swedes will pay just over Skr32 billion of its membership fee to the European Union this year.

Next year the EU contribution is pitted to increase by another  Skr1.1 billion. This is an increase that was not included in the Spring Budget Bill. The change is due to factors including "new macroeconomic assumptions."
But the big increase in the contribution which Anders Borg has long been concerned about can still become a reality.

Last year, the European Commission presented a long-term proposal for the financial framework for the period 2014 to 2020. According to finance ministry, this would mean increased costs of Skr10 billion per year.

"The Swedish view is that the spending on the EU budget is inefficient and goes to the wrong things. With the sight is a higher fee, this will only make it negative, "says Jonas Eriksson, a researcher at the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies.

The Budget shows that the payment to the EU will increase by another 17 percent by 2016. That figure is based largely on the Commission forecast and an unchanged income system.
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