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Political Economy



Social Democrats are loosing members - now have just a fewer older members.

Thursday, 04 April 2013
The Swedish Social Democrats party is facing up to a new reality. The aggressive quest for wealth by the younger Swedish people these days have made them to loath socialist tendencies and prefer more capitalistic and wealth chasing ideals. As such  Democrats is seeing its membership based shrinking very fast.

The core members of the party which has been described by many as the party that build modern Sweden is now shrinking for the first time in the modern era with just about 100,000 members. The pain also is that almost half of them are old-age pensioners as could be seen in a report from the Social Democrats' audit committee at the party Congress currently taking place in Gothenburg.

Party membership has been accounted to have fallen by nearly 9,700 members since 2009. At year-end, the Social Democrats had 99,484 members.

The average age of members has increased from 62 to 63 years. The proportion of members who are classed as pensioners has increased from 44 to 47 percent. While more than a third of the adult population  in the country is under 40 years, the party has only 14 percent of members in this age bracket.

The Social Democrats' audit committee sees great danger in that it has an uphill task recruit an increasing proportion of party stalwarts from a shrinking portion of the membership. The Committee also notes that more than a third of the party's new members do not pay their dues.

The Social Democrats Congress last night pursued a new target for membership recruitment: 10,000 new members per year.

But the question people are asking is whether the party understands really what people especially the youths want and if the question of immigration which has been an issue of debate been properly addressed by the party.

The far right has stolen some of the Social Democrat members but are they worried about that?  The future shall tell.
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