The People's Party: 5.4 (-0.2)
Christian Democrats: 3.6 (+0.3)
Centre Party: 3.5 (-0.3)
Sum of the governing Alliance coalition: 40.4 percent
Social Democrats: 34.4 (-0.6)
Green Party: 8.9 (-0.4)
The Left Party: 7.0 (+1.6)
Sum of the Red-Green Coalition: 50.3 percent
Far right Sweden Democrats: 8.0 (-1.0)
Source: Sifo, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet
Foot note:
Social Democrats and its coalition, the Red-Green bloc maintain their strong hold in Swedish opinion polls
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Swedish voters seem ready to change the political landscape of the country in the next general election if the opinion polls being published recently are realistic. It has been a while since the Social Democrats party and its coalition - the Red Green coalition lead the opinion polls, and that lead seems to continue to resist any attempts to weaken that momentum.
On Sunday published yet another poll from the polling organisation, sifo for the Swedish dailies Göteborg Posten (GP) and Svenska Dagbladet, which show that Red-Green bloc now has a majority of 50.3 percent of voter support. At least the voters seem to be comfortable with the leadership of the Social Democrats party though not very fully happy about them when compared to the current premier.
Thus, the opposition increased its advantage in the latest opinion poll. The Left Party has a statistically significant rise in the April poll by +1.6 percentage points. So even though the Social Democrats and the Green Party lost some ground, the Red-Green opposition strengthened their lead against the governing coalition parties.
Far right Sweden Democrats, the Poeple's Party, and the Centre Party fell slightly, while the Christian Democrats and the Conservatives increased.
by Scancomark.com Team
Party support summary
Conservative Moderates: 27.9 (+0.6)
The People's Party: 5.4 (-0.2)
Christian Democrats: 3.6 (+0.3)
Centre Party: 3.5 (-0.3)
Sum of the governing Alliance coalition: 40.4 percent
Social Democrats: 34.4 (-0.6)
Green Party: 8.9 (-0.4)
The Left Party: 7.0 (+1.6)
Sum of the Red-Green Coalition: 50.3 percent
Far right Sweden Democrats: 8.0 (-1.0)
Source: Sifo, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet
Foot note:
- Change in percentage points since the previous survey in March in parentheses
- Sifo questioned 1,923 people through 2-11 April on which party they would vote for if an election were held today.
- Only the Left Party change is statistically significant
Social Democrats and its coalition, the Red-Green bloc maintain their strong hold in Swedish opinion polls
Sunday, 14 April 2013Swedish voters seem ready to change the political landscape of the country in the next general election if the opinion polls being published recently are realistic. It has been a while since the Social Democrats party and its coalition - the Red Green coalition lead the opinion polls, and that lead seems to continue to resist any attempts to weaken that momentum.
On Sunday published yet another poll from the polling organisation, sifo for the Swedish dailies Göteborg Posten (GP) and Svenska Dagbladet, which show that Red-Green bloc now has a majority of 50.3 percent of voter support. At least the voters seem to be comfortable with the leadership of the Social Democrats party though not very fully happy about them when compared to the current premier.
Thus, the opposition increased its advantage in the latest opinion poll. The Left Party has a statistically significant rise in the April poll by +1.6 percentage points. So even though the Social Democrats and the Green Party lost some ground, the Red-Green opposition strengthened their lead against the governing coalition parties.
Far right Sweden Democrats, the Poeple's Party, and the Centre Party fell slightly, while the Christian Democrats and the Conservatives increased.
by Scancomark.com Team