Market News
The persistent freezing
British weather threatens to test the ailing economy as political
pressure mounts on possible gas outrage
Monday, 25 March 2013
We are told that heating gas in the UK will soon be running out and that except emergency measures are taken home might soon lack heating as reserves dry up.
According to Reuters, political pressure in Britain is mounting to increase natural gas storage capacity as high winter energy demand has depleted storage levels and exposed the country's growing reliance on more risky imports.
British gas prices shot to near record highs several times in March on the National Balancing Point (NBP), a virtual trading location, and storage levels are down 90 percent, threatening outages if imports cannot meet high demand - continue reading from Reuters
The persistent freezing
British weather threatens to test the ailing economy as political
pressure mounts on possible gas outrage
Monday, 25 March 2013 We are told that heating gas in the UK will soon be running out and that except emergency measures are taken home might soon lack heating as reserves dry up.
According to Reuters, political pressure in Britain is mounting to increase natural gas storage capacity as high winter energy demand has depleted storage levels and exposed the country's growing reliance on more risky imports.
British gas prices shot to near record highs several times in March on the National Balancing Point (NBP), a virtual trading location, and storage levels are down 90 percent, threatening outages if imports cannot meet high demand - continue reading from Reuters
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