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Role of immigrants in an economy: Case study Sweden

Monday, 01 October 2012
Once more the question about the value of immigrants to an economy is emerging in Sweden at a time when the economy starts getting weaker more and more.
There are certain sectors of the Swedish economy that will relatively come to a grinding halt had there not been immigrants to assist. Despite their intense repudiation in the Swedish job market, there are not enough Swedish people to fill position in areas such as care assistants, doctors, nurses, and dentists just to name these acute departments.

Almost a quarter of all those sectors are especially in the Stockholm County Council is currently dominated by a worker with foreign background.
As some officials are happy that this is a great move toward proper integration, especially in the Swedish job market, which has a very polarised design - where immigrants -looking people are in most cases shot out of the market, so critic feel that the situation has emerged this way because Swedish -looking people are not available to fill those places. Their argument is that more should be dome to broaden the participation of other minorities into other sectors such as services, and related front office positions in leading companies.

In the past year , the number of employees in the Stockholm county increased by 600 people. Almost 75 percent of these were people with immigrants' background as it is know here. Otherwise it means minorities.

Anna Starbrink, project manager for the Stockholm County Council is upbeat that they as one of the region's largest employers, have a great responsibility to take care of foreign-born skills. She emphasizes that Stockholm is the only county in the country that offer probationary training with salary and guidance to physicians who are trained outside the EU.

"It's a waste of human resources to have highly trained people who can not make a difference," she said.

There is the consensus now that Sweden should better put its human capital into use if the country has to maintain it welfare system by being colour blind to immigrants. The country is also soon facing heavy burden in the nearest future and the baby boomers retire more.

Traditionally in Sweden doctors, nurses and midwifes just to mention these few can bee seen doing cleaning or serving tea just because their racial profile does not fit the stereotype of who can be best easily absorbed by the job market.  
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