Market News
More men in Finland hit with unemployment than women - one-tenth of male workforce unemployed
More men in Finland hit with unemployment than women - one-tenth of male workforce unemployed
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
New data from the Finnish labour statistics show that men have it really harder to find jobs in Finland than women in Finland this spring.
Unemployment among men continues to outpace that among women, with nearly one in 10 looking for a job. The number of job-seekers rose to 236,000 last month, up by 9,000 from a year earlier, Statistics Finland said on Tuesday.
The jobless rate climbed to nine percent, compared to 8.5 percent in March 2012. The unemployment rate for men rose to 9.7 percent with the women’s rate at 8.2 percent.
There were 35,000 fewer men in the workforce than a year ago, along with 5,000 fewer employed women. Team
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