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Science and Technology



New Swedish breakthrough in drug research especially those affecting inflammation disease

Friday, 31 August 2012
A new Swedish research, which is being deemed as a new breakthrough area, can lead to radically improved medical treatment of a number of inflammation diseases areas.

Researchers at Lund University, Sweden, discovered that a protein has a central role in the development of acute pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas. As such, the researchers believe that there is now a clear target for the development of new treatments and drugs as at this moment, such is missing.

According to Maria Gomez, associate professor of physiology, at the University of Lund, told radio Sweden that this has to do with breakthrough in research.

She told the station that because studies on pancreatitis in different contexts have been fully studies and there has been no new trails to follow. As such according to her, in some ways their new research is a breakthrough.

Each year, about 9,000 Swedes suffer from pancreatitis, of them more than 1000 get critically ill requiring intensive care. Deaths are not uncommon. Pancreas is one of many serious acute inflammatory diseases. Scientists in Lund have found that a well-known protein called NFAT, strongly contributes to the development of pancreatitis.

"We were very surprised that protein not previously been associated with acute inflammation had great significance for acute pancreatitis," says Henrik Thorlacius is professor of surgery.

These findings open up new treatment options and drugs that block the particular protein both acute pancreatitis and other acute inflammatory diseases. The researchers are now continuing the mapping of the other diseases that are affected by the particular protein.

We're pretty confident that this is much more than just generalizability acute pancreatitis, but also other acute inflammatory diseases such as sepsis and bowel diseases, says Henrik Thorlacius.

The majority of the country's intensive care beds are occupied by people who have some form of acute inflammation and the right research on inflammation has become increasingly important.

"During the last 10 to 15 years, the focus of inflammation  diseases has increased in almost all the different diseases strands. Even among those who were not considered to be based on inflammatory components.

If the protein NFAT, which scientists believe, also affect the development of other autoimmune diseases, a new drug development would be highly important.

"I believe that such a substance would revolutionize the treatment of many acute diseases," says Henrik Thorlacius.
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