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Alaarm as a loose Norwegian, trained in a Yemeni terrorist training camp on the loose to strike in Europe
Monday, 25 June 2012
A Norwegian man in his 30s reported to have received terrorist training from al-Qaeda camp in Yemen and is ready to attack a target in the West, in reported to be on the loose.
According to Norwegian media sources, this man can travel in Europe visa free and is prepared to hit a core target reports the Norwegian daily, Aften Posten.
The paper says that it has received the three separate, anonymous "security officials", who says that a Norwegian man has received this training.
Western security services have long feared such a scenario: that a person who has converted to Islam receive terrorist training and can travel freely in Europe and the United States without visa restrictions, the paper writes.
According to the news, the three security officials confirmed on Monday that the Norwegian is "operational," meaning that he has finished with his training and ready to receive information about which targets to attack.
One of the papers sources describe the person as a Norwegian in his 30s who was radicalized after converting to Islam in 2008. He has been in Yemen for a few months and is believed that he is still there.
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