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2500 Norwegians evicted from their homes last year
Thursday, 03 May 2012
Unpaid rent means that more Norwegians are thrown to the streets last year a new report say stressing that 2,500 people were evicted from the Norwegian houses and apartments last year.
“The eviction is a symptom that something is wrong,” says Alexander Dey at the Norwegian Enforcement Office in Oslo.
In Oslo, failure to pay is the reason why 93 percent of the entries is responsible for the eviction.
“The rental market has become so expensive that people simply can not afford,” says Dey.
Reports hold that there were 10,900 eviction cases in Norway last year. Nearly a quarter of them ended with the eviction. In addition to outstanding rent was expired contracts, dismissals, squatting, substance abuse and mental health among the reasons why people had to leave.
In Oslo there was 4474 eviction notice to the enforcement officer. Around 3300 of them were solved by the that rent was paid or that the residents moved voluntarily.
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