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A shame to the Swedish legal system which exposes Swedish hypocrisy.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Sweden has intervene in various countries of the world to protect
people from abuse and has granted political asylum to people running
away from prosecution. This means that Sweden should have a trusted
legal system and should not be under any pressure from places such as
the USA.
But today, Julian Assange and his supporter don't trust Sweden - that
it will grant a free and fair trial to Mr. Assange from abusing two
Swedish women. Now Sweden has been bundled up with places such as
the UK and USA which have a hypocritical face with claims that they
provide freedom and the respect of human right. In reality Sweden looks
to be merely dancing to the tone of the Americans.
Why is Sweden is Sweden not making it abundantly clear that its
interest in to provide justice to the women who cried that Mr
Assange sexually abused them. Are we mixing up two things here? Who is
Ecuador to provide freedom more than self champions of freedom-
According to the Ecuador authorities, Ecuador has sought assurances
from both Sweden and Britain that Assange would not be extradited to
the United States, but they have not received such guarantee.
Therefore the Ecuador authorities see a risk that Assange's human
rights are under threat and therefore the country has decided to grant
him political asylum.
Does this means that Sweden is not really wanting Mr Assange because
there are two women who claimed he sexually abuse them and who need
It is unfortunate that Sweden which at this moment is having a dispute
with Belarus over Sweden support to the opposition there, Sweden which
supported the Libyan mission to flush out Ghadaffi is now finding it
hard to tell Mr. Assange that "e will not deliver you to the Americans.
Our interest ins to provide justice to these ladies who cry that you
abused them."
Oh! before we go, this is a Sweden which also support dictatorial
regimes by selling electronic and communication equipment that monitor
people as can be evident in places such as Syria, Tadzhikistan and the
Sweden is too big to be playing baby games and its action toward the
Julien Assange issue is just making Sweden to be seen as weak, lack of
position and independent integrity. It also show something about Sweden
which is worrying - absolute hypocrisy.
by Scancomark, editorial team
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