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Norwegian make gains in traffic and passengers in November as SAS grounded in crisis

Thursday, 06 December 2012
The strongest challenger to trouble Scandinavian airliner, SAS, has seen its traffic increased in November as SAS struggle to pull itself from the doldrums.
NorwegianAirliner, Norwegian, which has been furious that the Scandinavian governments have bank rolled SAS again saw its traffic level increased 12 percent in the shadow of the acute crisis SAS was grappling with.

Norwegian's passenger traffic by 12 percent in November compared with the same month last year, the company said in a statement.
Norwegian thus flew 1.46 million passengers during the month, up from 1.30 million in the same month in 2011. This enabled Norwegian's revenues to rise by 5 percent.

SAS problems gave even the young and coming challenger, Sverigeflyg a boost as its passengers number increased by 26 percent compared to November 2011, but then from a significant lower level.
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