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Ikea kept quiet about the discovery of pork in Moose lasagna
Monday, 08 April 2013There were "small" amounts of pork in a mosse lasagna that Ikea sold, which was stopped at the end of March. It is held that Ikea knew about the presence of pork but failed to inform customers about the discovery.
According to Swedish media sources, it was the authorities in Belgium in late March that sounded the alarm that there was pork in mosse lasagna, produced by family Dafgård and sold at Ikea stores.
Ikea decided the same day to withdraw the lasagna from all stores in Europe. In all, there are about 17,600 packs of the food that has been withdrawn.
The amount of pork in lasagne withdrawn is said to be just above the threshold of one percent.
There are many who choose not to eat pork, for example, for religious reasons. But Ikea's sustainability director Anders Lennartsson told the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet that the company did not consider it necessary to inform customers for they were waiting for more tests to be conducted.
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