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Nokia’s net strategy is to carry out intense US market campaign
Monday, 09 April 2012
Nokia’s next strategy is to launch its smart phones in the USA and that
was done on Easter Sunday. As the US shops start carrying out Nokia’s
flagship Lumia 900, the Finnish mobile phone giant is hoping for a new
foothold in the smartphone market. But analysts say that the company
has two or three years to make its strategy work.
Nokia's Lumia brand run on the Microsoft platform is intended as a
competitor to Android smartphones and Apple's iPhone. Nokia and its
operating system partner Microsoft have a lot at stake in the push to
establish the Windows-based smartphone in the American market.
The potential for success is there. The Lumia 900 has received glowing
advance reviews, particularly for its design and ease of use.

There are concerns, however, that consumers who are used to the Apple
iPhone and Android phones may be put off by the Lumia's Windows-based
concept. Nokia is looking to elbow its way into the American market
with aggressive pricing -- even the most expensive phone will cost less
than $100. Sales are also being backed up with a massive marketing
"Nokia is no longer very well known in the US market, as it’s been
years since it had significant visibility here. Bringing a phone to
consumers for under a hundred dollars, or if part of a subscription
package nearly free -- as other smartphone manufacturers, except Apple
have done -- has one purpose. And that is to make the brand name known
in North America," says Alkesh Shah, an analysts of the market
according to Finnish news agency Yle.
The Lumia 900 will not conquer America on its own. According to Alkesh
Shah, Nokia will, in fact, have a competitive smartphone only when
Microsoft can deliver its Windows 8 operating system that is designed
for mobile services.
Once Windows 8 is released late in 2021, Nokia may bring new phones to
market around the end of the year. A Windows 8 tablet computer may also
be on the way, according to reports.
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