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Scandinavia Today / Norway



Norwegian youths activists plan first summer retreat after the Utøya massacre

Thursday, 04 July 2013
The youths of the Norwegian Labour party (AUF) are heeding to pressure and are reorganising another summer camp, the first after Anders Behring Breivik's attack on them on the island of Utoya, two years ago.
Today the official opening of the camp will be on the way with, more than 700 young people coming to the new camp in Gulsrud, a place that is just a few kilometres from Utoya.

Some of the young people who have come to the new camp in Gudrun are trying to erect a tent. However, to erect a tent is not always the easiest. In the end, anyway the entire idyllic slope towards Tyrifjordens beach will be filled with tents of all colours.
Just a short walk from this year's camp, away around the headland one can  see Utoya. But it will be some years before any summer camp will be held there for the first houses on the island is being redeveloped. Maybe there is the need for the terrible memories of Anders Behring Breivik's deeds two years ago to sink in a bit more.
Even now, young people in Norway have shown that they have not been turned down by what happened. Never before have so many young people wanted to participate in the political life of Norway. This is a clear signal to Breivik that he failed, as one youth who spoke to radio Sweden said - "Yes, it shows the young people are committed to actually want this. He was stupid, we are 800 smart young people who want something with the world, and there is no one to stop us from it," says Maren Schmidt Christensen to radio Sweden.

One of those who was on Utoya two years ago, agrees that increased support for the youth associations shows that terrorism has not won.
"I believe that the growth in membership that all youth associations experienced after 22 July, is the clearest announcement we had ever been given to all those who believe that violence and terror is an opportunity to change society. We have a democracy and we should be extremely proud that more young people want to be part of it. The effect we have received could not have been better," says Sindre lysosome to radio Sweden.

Over 700 youths are taking part in this year's camp, which is also seen as the start of the election campaign for the elections in September. On the summer camps are also humanitarian organization Norwegian People's Help, which for decades served as the adult support on Utöya meeting. The gethering continies and we will be bring more from Gudrun, Watch this space...
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