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Scandinavia Today / Denmark



Danish travellers abroad are complaining of being extorted by hospitals in foreign countries.

Monday, 08 July 2013
Danes travelling abroad as students or tourist are complaining that foreign medical establishments, doctors, and hospitals are extorting them and their insurers for money.
The travel insurance company, Gouda had made this point after receiving exorbitant increase bills during the school summer holidays period.
This comes as travel insurance is experiencing an increasing number of cases where clinics treat Danish patients and trying everything possible to keep them hospitalized, and then print sky-high bills. It is especially in Turkey, Egypt, and Greece, where they increase has been markly observed.

Assistance Manager at the insurance company, Gouda,  Karin Tranberg  told a news report that in the past week, they have observed increased bills from traveller and cited an example of a family from Risskov, Denmark who went on holiday ton Greece.
The father of the family had stomach problems, and when he was admitted, he was exposed to a plethora of studies, scans and injections. The treatment should have cost a few hundred euros, but the bill was ten times as large, ie about €15,000.

"We see a number of examples where the closest being held hostage and their passports taken from them until the hospital have received a guarantee of payment," says Karin Tranberg.

"Make sure to call his travel insurance emergency, so you do not risk getting caught or being exposed to unnecessary and at worst dangerous overtreatment," warns Karin Tranberg.

Gouda during the summer period so far has received up to 1,000 calls to their emergency centre every week, and a large part of them are about stomach problems.
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