Political Economy
Sweden’s export of military hardware continues to hold as the past
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
In 2011, Swedish companies exported military equipment for some Skr13.9
billion. It is basically the same as last year, according to the
Swedish organisation, the National Inspectorate of Strategic Products
"As in previous years there are also a few large deals that dominated.
In 2011, it is about the export of the Jas 39 Gripen to Thailand and
the airborne surveillance system Erieye to the United Arab Emirates,
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, " that accounted to the great gains, said
the ISP's Director General to Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter .
63 percent of Swedish exports of military equipment in 2011 wents to
more than 20 countries, including Thailand, Saudi Arabia, India,
Pakistan and the UAE accounted for 60 percent. With the exception of
exports to the UAE and Saudi Arabia, Swedish export of armaments to the
Middle East and North Africa was limited. 37 percent went to other EU
countries, and established partner like the U.S., Canada and South
Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society have criticized the fact that
Swedish arms exports to dictatorships increased. This follows new
statistics showing that a fifth of the Swedish arms exports went to
Saudi Arabia, writes the organisation in a statement.
"Export statistics show that the Swedish exports rules are constantly
undermined. When Saudi Arabia, the world's most brutal dictatorships,
bought weapons forSkr2.9 billion in Sweden, it is difficult to see what
purpose the rules are for, "said President Anna Ek in a statement.
Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society believe that the export of
Swedish weapons is "rampant" in the political vacuum that currently
exists in many parts of the world.
By Scancomark.se Team
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