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Alfa Laval wins order to supply equipment for the world’s first FLNG facility
Friday, 01 June 2012
Alfa Laval has won an order from a Technip Samsung Consortium
(TSC) to supply Alfa Laval equipment to Shell’s Prelude FLNG (floating
liquefied natural gas) facility. Alfa Laval is unable to disclose the
exact value of the order due to a confidentiality agreement.
FLNG opens up new business opportunities for countries looking to
develop their gas resources, bringing more natural gas to the market
and Shell is the first to go ahead with an FLNG project, Prelude FLNG.
The Alfa Laval equipment consists of desalination units, heat
exchangers and filters. The desalination units will convert sea water
into fresh water to be used for steam generation, process water and
potable water. The heat exchangers will use seawater in the vital
cooling applications in the gas liquefaction process.
“We are very proud to be part of this technology breakthrough in the
energy field”, says Lars Renström, President and CEO of the Alfa Laval
Group. “This order confirms our strong position as a reliable partner
to the major players in the oil and gas industry.”
Based on a press release
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