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Standoff at Finnair as staff demand stop to austerity in the wake of huge management bonuses
Monday, 12 March 2012
Finnair flight
attendants are resisting further wage cuts after a recent scandal over
big bonuses for the company's executives. The company's pilots will
also look again at whether to continue savings talks.
Chair of the
flight attendants' union Thelma Åkers said in an interview to the
finnish radio and television, YLE that cabin crew members are offended
and outraged that they endured pay and benefit cuts while the bosses
enjoyed large bonuses.
The union will meet later this week to consider whether it will continue ongoing cost-cutting negotiations.
“It’s surely understandable that after this kind of news there is little, almost zero enthusiasm for further cuts,” Åkers said.
”The situation
has worsened quite a lot after last week’s news,” said Jukka Leskinen,
vice-chair of the Finnish Airline Pilots’ Association.
Finnair is
considering the establishment of a separate new corporate entity to run
its loss-making European business. Finnair staff says they have little
information about the plans.
Finnair announced Monday that it has signed an agreement with the human
resource provider, Adecco to provide flight crew on temporary contract
The first
contracted flight attendants and stewards are to begin flying as summer
vacation substitutes at the beginning of June, once they have received
“Finnair wants
to ensure that we have sufficient cabin crew regardless of seasonal
changes and peak seasons,” explained Finnair Media Relations Director
Päivyt Tallqvist.
currently employs about 2,000 cabin crew. According to Tallqvist, the
contract workers will be covered by the same working terms and
conditions as members of the flight attendants and stewards association.
“This arrangement will not affect the position of our permanent employees,” Tallqvist declared.
“These contract
workers will ease the situation. It will allow our permanent employees
to have their summer vacations in one block,” she added.
explained that Finnair intends to hire only a few dozen temporary
workers, and added that it is difficult to estimate their deployments.
Finnair said
that apart from vacation substitutes the contract workers will be
useful for filling in during unforeseen sick leave breaks.
By Scancomarkse Team
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