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Scandinavia Today / Sweden


The organisation, FEMEN

Topless protest in a Stockholm Mosque

Saturday, 29 June 2013
Three topless protesters took to a Mosque in the Swedish capital Stockholm and were arrested and taken to the police station.

Three bare-breasted women broke into a Mosque in Södermalm on Saturday morning in the Stockholm. The women were arrested on suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct.becked-women-in-sweden
The three women, belonging to the Swedish feminist network FEMEN entered the mosque at about 10 am Swedish time. On their bodies they had written the slogan "No Sharia Law in Egypt and the World" and "My body belongs to me, not someone's honour." According to reports, the women had come from Sweden, Tunisia and Egypt - countries that the protest is directed towards.
Only a few officials of the mosque were there at the time, and the women were then transferred to the police station in Södermalm. Some activist and supporters feel that the protest was poorly timed, that had it taken place on Friday it would have had more impact given that Friday is a prayer day.

Södermalm police say that the women will be questioned  and released in the afternoon.
The organisation, FEMEN,  describe themselves as radical feminists movement formed in Ukraine in 2008. Members of the group have recently completed a series of high profile campaigns. Recently, three people from the group were employed on a trial in Tunisia.
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