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Family of criminals? Norwegians mass murderer, Breivik’s mother launder Money

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Behring Breivik’s revenues from fake diplomas and more via the Internet was far greater than anyone imagined.

The Norwegian news paper, VG writes that the master terrorist and the man who single handedly killed scores of people and bombed government buildings in Oslo, was aided by his mother. She admitted that she "carried out money laundry" of some Nkr400 000 for his son.

within the period 2003 and 2006 there was some Nkr3.6 million in Breivik accounts he held in countries such as Lithuania, USA and Dominican Republic.

The mother opened the accounts in her name, which Breiviks money was channeled through so that authorities would not be suspicious.

To uncover Breivik’s financial resources, the police have had to go thoroughly her mother’s economy which did not show a good reading.

Investigators then had to reveal that the woman contributed to money laundering by depositing cash she got from her son in her own account, before she passed it on to his bank account.

Breivik is reported to have instructed the mother on how she should proceed to the banks, and have reassured her that it was not illegal and that he would not tax any of the money.

The mother has admitted to police that she should not have helped her son, but she has also explained that she had heard that others did the same. In addition, she will be proud if her son's explanation of the method was that it was not illegal.

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