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Norwegian authorities warned violence if Mullah Krekar is detained

Wednesday, 28 March 2012
The former leader of the Islamic Council in Norway, Shoaib Sultan, warned that radical Islamists may be willing to commit violence in the country as a result of the arrest of the of  suspected terrorist Islamist leader Mullah Krekar this afternoon after he had made murder threats to many people on an internet chat site.

Shoaib Sultan says talk to a Norwegian network NRK, that he sees a risk that Krekars departure from his previous position, that he and Norway have a sort of peace agreement, can lead to violence.

There after he first declared that he wants to see acts of violence in Norway if he imprisoned or detained.

It was through an online forums,  paltalk on Saturday night that Mullah Krekar, the leader of a militant Islamist group, should have pronounced new threats to some official including the police according to Norwegian media. The threats were directed partly against the former Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik who now leads Oslo centre for peace, and against the Norwegian people.

Krekar also said he wanted to see the deadly reactions from his supporters if he should be detained or imprisoned. Of course he denies through his lawyer, Brynjar Meling, that he ever made such threats.

In the past, Mullah Krekar explicit expressed death threats against, among others Höyres Party leader,  Erna Solberg, something he was sentenced to five years in prison on Monday for.

According to Norwegian media, there are between 50 and 100 radical Islamists in Norway. But it is unclear how many of those are prepared to follow Mullah Krekars incitement to violence.

According to Krekars lawyer, he has been asked to testify in the trial of Anders Behring Breivik to confirm Breiviks picture of a war between the West and the Islamic values.

Krekar has said that he will think about it and may participate in Breiviks invitation.

Mullah Krekar's real name is Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad. He Come to Norway as a refugee in 1991from Iraq. He established regular trips to Iraq in the 1990s where it is reported that he formed a militant Islamist movement in the Kurdish area.

Erna Solberg, Norwegian Minister for Local Government decided in 2002 that Krekar should be exorcised in the interests of national security, and for his violation of asylum conditions.

He has not returned to Iraq because he risks the death penalty.
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