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Scandinavia Today / Norway

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How scores of people became Norwegian citizens without knowing

Sunday, 09 September 2012
A computer glitch in Norway  in the 1990 led to 58,000 foreigners to become incorrectly awarded Norwegian citizens.

The mistake was discovered only in 2007 when many Moroccans came to the Norwegian Embassy there and wanted Norwegian passport, writes the Norwegian daily, Aftenposten.
The error occurred when the card index was computerized. Anyone who emigrated between 1960 and 1975 was recorded as Norwegian citizens. Many of them were migrant workers who had moved home and probably did not know about that until recently that they were Norwegians.

The Norwegian Embassy in Rabat, Morocco, in 2007 received a request from the Norwegian police and the Directorate of Immigration (UDI) to examine the wave of Moroccans applying for passport. This happened when it became clear that a  person from Morocco had been given passports in error.

The embassy discovered that several Moroccans claimed they were Norwegian citizens and asked for a Norwegian passport. These were people who could not possibly be Norwegians.

It is not clear fro the report whether those who applies were allowed to be Norwegian citizens and issues with passports of not.
by team

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