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Scandinavia Today / Iceland


A new Dating app helps warns Icelanders from dating relatives 

Monday, 21 October 2013
In a very small country in terms of population, everyone is related to everyone. One fear is that it can be difficult to find a partner that is out of the family tree. This big problem today in Iceland but technology is on the way.

Since it is possible for a man to hits so close in that quest for seeking a partner, technology is on hand to help as some Icelandic students have come up with a very bright idea - an app that will show a red light and warning signals if potential dates where closely related to each other.incest prevention appIncest prevention app - from Iceland / Swedish television
Iceland has 320,000 inhabitants, and most are related to each other in at least in the seventh generation.
Some engineering students at the University of Iceland found the solution to their dating dilemma through improvement in technology. A Mobile phone app that warns if the man hitting on the lady is a very close relative. The app is called "incest prevention app".
The app is based on the popular Icelandic database, Islendingabok . There all Iceland’s kinship is documented since the country was inhabited 1200 years ago. Icelanders can log-in and search through for their relatives.
The guys who designed the app explain that incest app was started by fun. Most of the 16,000 who have downloaded the APP use it rather to look among for their relatives. Icelanders are traditionally very interested in genealogy and family ties.
Geneticists also believes that the risk of inbreeding in Iceland is very small, and are downplaying the need for warnings.
Right now the incest app and its feature have attracted great attention. The four engineering students won a competition on the Iceland for the best innovation, and suddenly the news about their product has spread through the technology invention world.
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