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Political Economy


Fact: survey
The questions, which were answered by 1,000 individuals, were:
Do you think Sweden has received immigrants in excessive quantities, or have occurred in about the right scale or we should have received more?
  • Excessive: 37 percent
  • right amount: 48 percent
  • Should receive more: 9 percent
  • Do not know: 6 percent
  • Too much: 55 percent
  • Right amount: 34 percent
  • Should receive more: 6 percent
  • Do not know: 5 percent
  • Too Much: 50 percent
  • Right amount: 38 percent
  • Should receive more: 10 percent
  • Do not know: 2 percent
Source: Swedish television News

Swedish people more relaxed about immigration - polls show

Monday, 11 February 2013
Just the feeling of Eastern European immigration coming to Britain is creating panic and hysteria in the UK, but in Sweden, the people here are more relaxed about the question of increased immigrant.

In a new survey published on Sunday, many Swedish people are less worried about increased immigrants into Sweden but there is a problem here - immigration critical far right political party, Sweden Democrats are growing in popularity. It become worrying now to determine why such a phenomenon.

According to the survey commissioned by Swedish television and carried out by polling organisation Sifo, Swedish people generally have a more favourable attitude towards increased immigration. 

Immigration policy in Sweden has emerged as a hot issue of debate but the PM, Fredrik Reinfeldt is not worried by that. He said last week, after Tobias Billström, migration minister comment that immigration to Sweden must be reduced, that he has no planes to cut immigration to Sweden.   Immigration minister was acting in reaction to the persistent growth in popularity of the far right and thought that talking immigration this way could turn people interest from it.

The Conservatives Moderate party say they "have listen to the people's concerns" in terms of refugee immigration to Sweden. Against this background, the party has appointed a team to develop the party's new integration and migration policy.

When the initiative was presented a few days ago by Tobias Billström and party secretary, Kent Persson, attracted much attention was because Billström repeatedly said that there is the need to discuss a reduction in immigration.

And Kent Persson supported the far right opposition, Sweden Democrat's idea that there should be a sharp drop in asylum and family reunification. But there are different voices to listen to and not everyone is equally worried. According SIFO survey, people are more positive about immigration today compared to the past.

Professor of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg, Marie Demker, told Swedish television that the attitude reflects an international trend. One explanation for the Swedes more positive attitude to immigration is, according to her, "we feel a strong faith community - that human rights and human equality are key starting points for the Swedes."

Demker also says that the number of asylum seekers, "volume", as Tobias Billström puts it, does not affect people's views on immigration.

"But if the receiving system collapses so that refugees are forced to live in tent as in the early 90s, it would have a major impact on the attitudes," says Marie Demker.

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