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Political Economy



Sweden Democrat's growth in Sweden blamed on Social Democrats.

Wednesday, 05 December 2012
As support for the Swedish far right party, Sweden Democrats (SD) continues to grow despite various scandals rocking the party, a new data analysis show that the party has gained more from the Social democrats though the socialist party is also the biggest party in the land.

Support for the Sweden Democrats has risen 2.5 percentage points to 7.9 percent according to a new poll analysis, Political Party Preference Survey for November 2012, Published on Wednesday by Statistic Sweden.

It shows that if a parliamentary election were to be held in November then the government parties (Centre Party, Liberal Party, Moderate Party and Christian Democrats) would receive 41.8 percent of the votes. The opposition Social Democrats and its coalition, the Left Party and the Green party would together receive 49.1 percent. The far rights, Sweden Democrats would have received 7.9 percent and other parties 1.2 percent of the votes.

Above Sweden Democrat leader, Jimme Åkesson celebrate victory in last general election Img,/ Granscole file)
No statistically significant change has been noted for the government parties as a block, compared to May 2012. In November the Centre Party would have received 4.4 (±0.3) the Liberal Party 5.5 (±0.4) the Moderate Party 28.1(±0.7) and the Christian Democrats 3.8 (±0.3) percent, writes Statistic Sweden.

Statistic Sweden adds that in November the Social Democrats would have received 34.8 percent (±0.8), the Left Party 5.8 percent (±0.4), and the Green Party 8.6 (±0.6) percent.
In the event of an election in November, the Sweden Democrats would have received 7.9 percent (±0.5) of the votes. In the event of an election in November, other parties would have received 1.2 percent (±0.2) of the votes. The Pirate Party and the Feminist Initiative Party were the largest of the other parties.

Sweden Democrats is said to have extracted supporters from the Social democrats by 0.9 percent of the support of the Social Democrats. From the Moderates, SD received 0.6 percent from them.

"It's probably all sorts of reasons, but one explanation is that we are the two major parties in Swedish politics, it is clear that we lose most," Social Democrat party secretary, Carin Jämtin to Swedish television.

The Social Democrats are the largest party, according to Statistic Sweden's November assessment with 34.8 percent, compared to 37.3 percent in May. Jämtin is not particularly surprised that Social Democrats have lost 2.5 percent since May.

"It has been like that in other surveys as well. We have been around 34, 35 percent."
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