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How the Swedish Social democrat party start reversing

Monday, 27 August 2012
It is really hard to beat the market facing conservative parties these days given that today society has made it that money is more important that anything else. So those who promise little money or long time to make that will see their votes bing quashed.

In Sweden such a situation is being seen. Voters have started fleeing left leaning Social Democrats as latest opinion polls conducted by polling organisation, Sifo show that the social democrats have sloped by 4.5 percentage points to 34.3 percent.

Which party would you vote for if elections were to be held today? was the main question and the parties had this type of support ( in percentage)

Voter Support
Change *
Social Democrats
34,3 -4,5
The Left Party
The Green Party
9,9; +1,3;
Moderate 28,5 +0,9
Centre party
4,6; -0,2;
The People's Party
6,2; +0,6;
Chritian Democrats; 3,4; -0,5;
SOcial Democrats
6,2; +0,8;

* Change in percentage points since the previous survey in June.
The Red - Green coalition  - 50.4 (-1.4) against the governing Alliance - 42.7 (+0.8).
Survey period : 13-22 August 2012. 1921 people were interviewed.
Source: Sifo, Published in the Swedish Newspapers,  Svenska Dagbladet and Göteborgs-Posten.
The flight from the party seem to have affected most of moved to the Left party which increases by 1.8 percentage points to 6.2 percent and the category of doubtful voters  increases from 11.9 to 15.1 percent.

Among the bourgeois of the Alliance governing coalition, the changes are small. The Conservative Moderates is twice as big as the other three parties in the coalition put together. Christian Democrats  would not meet its threshold for parliamentary accession with 3.4 percent and the Centre party is dangerously close to 4.6 percent, according to the poll published in the Swedish newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Göteborgs-Posten.

But the opposition coalition, the Red-Green alliance still leads the in voter perception,  although the lead has shrunk slightly. The Green party and the Social democrats as well as the Left party will make 50.4 percent of the votes if elections were to be held today against 42.7 percent for the Moderates, People's Party and the Christian Democrats.

Far right, Sweden Democrats increased by 0.8 percentage points to 6.2.
The only change that is statistically significant is the Social Democrats' decline and the rise of the Left Party.
The question to be answer in the coming hours and days is why have the social Democrats spectacularly stumbled this way and how long will it take for them to turn things around?
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