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Unusually good crop harvests in Sweden this year despite gloomy weather elsehwere

Thursday, 20 September 2012
As there is growing worries about the future of crop harvest for this year given the uncertain weather condition, it turns out that crop harvest in Sweden is looking to be impressive.

Therefore, as other parts of the world are being affected by drought, the Swedish farmers now get a very good price for their raw material.
Many other farmers in the country are seen jubilation now that most of the Swedish grain harvest is ripening  and it looks really good in many places. Swedish Farmers have even been writing up their forecasts for this year's harvest totaled 5.6 million tonnes.

Some farmers say that the winter wheat this year is probably the biggest harvest they have had for years. "It is 20 per cent above normal and it's good quality too, so I'm happy," says farmer, Stefan Bjärstad.

Rikard Larsson, crop advisors from the Swedish Agricultural Society and has found that it is nothing but positive comments from the farmers he meets.

"No one can deny that there have been good harvests. In Sörmland there is record harvests in several places. So this may we be truly happy with," he says.
The weather in big production places such as the USA this year was chaotic spelling fears that food price this year will explode. The Swedish unexpected crop harvest this year could contribute to improve food supply and help keep prices in check. 
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