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Swedish premier realises that Swedish mortgage rates are high  and ponders how it could be reduced.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Swedish Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, thinks there should be opportunities for banks to lower mortgage rates.
Mortgage Margins  in Sweden are largest in a decade, according to  media reports in Sweden.

Fredrik Reinfelt told Swedish news agency, TT that  he thinks people who pay mortgage interest are having it heavy.
"We have seen very large margins,  to the extent that banks have relied on to in building up their own resources. So it is important to get a more robust financial system in Sweden, "he says.
He added hat he feels that banks could lower their margins because they have become very high.
The story that Swedish houses are over priced is not new and story that mortgages - especially mortgage interest are exorbitant  in Sweden is not a new story.

This has made Swedish banks to look at interest from mortgages as one of their main stay and some critics have held that the big banks could even be operating a type of cartel in design interest rates. The market don't look free and competitive.

But the fear is whether the Mr. Reinfeldt who is a free market conservative has the power to openly regulate this issue without affecting his own base.
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