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Growth in Swedish economic confidence

Monday, 15 October 2012
More Swedish people are beginning to have increased believe that economy is improving especially in the third quarter.

This improved economic confidence is hitting both households and the general economy at large. More believe that the economy is on the mend a new survey from the Swedish Quality Index (SKI), show.

The increased optimism is linked to promises made by political leaders in their efforts to work on bi-partisan manner among the government and the opposition to try and solve the problems affecting the economy.

Above all, people younger than 29 years are more positive about the economy. The report from SKI connect to youth employment which has become a much debated question.

To add to that, fewer people claimed benefit due to unemployment last week meaning unemployment somewhat stopped increasing. Nevertheless, with companies such as Volvo stopping production due to slow growth, things will surely get worse before getting better.
By Scancomark.con Team

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