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Finnish Unemployment continues to rise - how hits 7.1 percent

Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Finnish unemployment reverses its falling trend and continues to rise. Last figures from the country's labour survey show that some 187,000 people were without jobs in September.
Statistics Finland’s new Labour Force Survey continues that this means some 7,000 more people were unemployed than one year ago.
The unemployment rate now stands at 7.1 percent compared to 6.9 percent a year ago. However, there were 10,000 more people at work in September than a year ago.
Unemployment has fallen by a few percentage points from August, when the figure stood at 7.3 percent.

The number of new jobs posted at the Employment and Economic Development Office fell by 6,000 as compared with one year ago, down to 36,000 jobs.
According to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 240,000 jobseekers were registered in September, which is 16,000 up from last year.

It looks like job creation in Finland had come to a halt apparently driven by the continuous uncertainty on Europe and the weakening China.

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