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Swedish Finance Ministers accused of banker bashing and "bullying the banks"

Thursday, 29 November 2012
Swedish Finance Minister, Anders Borg's harsh criticism of the Swedish banks is hitting the bank workers who are in returns attacked by their customers.

"This is going up at every meeting we have. The employees get the blame for something that they cannot influence, "says Ulrika Boëthius, President of the Finance Association (Finansförbundet) to Swedish business daily, Dagens Industry.

Anders Borg and Peter Norman, minister for the Financial Market have been  accused of engaging  what is being described as bank bashing in public. As such, it is reported that angry customers are taking out their angers and frustrations with banks in open direct attacks. This the association blamed in the Minister who have made customers to develop deep mistrust on their dealings with the bank.

According Finansförbundet nine out of ten such incidences where recorded January. In addition, just as many bankers believe that the criticism in the media has complicated their job very much or somewhat.

"Many of our members have become depressed when Financial Markets, Minister Peter Norman equate bankers with vacuum cleaner salesman, "says Boëthius to the paper.
She adds that bank employees would like to see a lines of defence where they can defend themselves better in the debate, but this is difficult to achieve.

The CEO of Länsförsäkringar banks, Rikard Josefson is very critical.
"Anders Borgs purpose seems to be all about protecting people against the banks. But a society without banks will not operate, "he said.
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